My experience

In my fresh career I have worked in multiple full-stack teams, delivering on complex projects, development and testing infrastructure upgrades for modern web applications with >50K active users.

  • Aug 2023 - Present
    Autodesk ShotGrid Logo

    Autodesk ShotGrid

    Full Stack Developer (Intermediate)

    Working on the Flow team bringing artists from different software isles closer together

  • May 2022 - Aug 2023
    Autodesk ShotGrid Logo

    Autodesk ShotGrid

    Software Engineer (Part-time)

    • Developed a highly customizable web-based project management app for >50K artists in the entertainment industries, specifically VFX, animation, and film production
    • Improved the stability of the developer facing JS infrastructure, resulting in an 11x faster build script runtime by optimizing the usage of Webpack and ESLint/Prettier
    • Upgraded to Node.js v16, resulting in a further ~200% improvement in the speed of build/test scripts and fixing 46% of vulnerabilities.
  • Sep 2021 - May 2022
    Autodesk ShotGrid Logo

    Autodesk ShotGrid

    Full Stack Developer Intern

    • Fixed complex UI bugs and extended the functionality of core UI components using Karma for unit/integration tests and Cypress for end-to-end testing
    • Collaborated with a squad to deliver an Earliest Testable Product and an MVP of a strategic feature, allowing saving and restoring page settings using React/Storybook on the front-end and Ruby on Rails on the back-end